Posts in Cancer
The Genesis of Bob's Cancer Ministry

Believe it or not, Bob's cancer ministry began in his early twenties on Oahu. While landscaping his parents' backyard and wheelbarrowing a heavy load of rocks backwards, he tripped over a landscaping grater and suddenly felt excruciating pain in his left foot. Thinking a dog had attacked him, he shook his foot and was shocked to see a metal rake handle flailing back and forth. Read More by clicking the image

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Keep On Climbing

Since being diagnosed with Terminal Stage 4 Prostate Cancer 2 1/2 years ago with a 3-6 month life expectancy, I’ve had many friends and family ask me how I can be so at peace, so joyful, so embracing of cancer and so — how shall I say — “rather cavalier and seemingly reckless” in my response to something so serious and life-threatening

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Top 10 Reasons I Refuse To “Beat Cancer”!

Navigating recovery from cancer is a very personal decision involving many choices complicated by a wide variety of treatment options and life circumstances. But all of these choices and options can be grouped into one of two primary treatment categories; 1) Beating cancer or 2) Healing cancer. So, without further ado, let me share with you my “Top 10 Reasons I Refuse To Beat Cancer”

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