Sermons and Notes
Biblical Reconciliation Series
A proper understanding and application of biblical reconciliation is essential to a healthy church fellowship. Click Biblical Reconciliation Series to view sermons, notes, and outlines.
Sample Messages
Pastor Bob has always had a heart to encourage and strengthen fellow pastors and leaders. Below are resources that you’ll find helpful for building and maintaining a healthy church. Pastoring is not for the faint of heart! God will give you strength and courage as you faithfully apply biblical principles as a leader!
The Heartbeat of a Healthy Church (I Thessalonians 5:12-28)
Hele On (Move On) - A Message for the Church
Pastor Bob gives an important message on how we as individuals and as a church need to keep moving forward in intimacy and dependency on Christ. Live the Epic Life! Given at Crossroads Kauai on 10/4/2017 during 25/10 week. This was his last sermon at Crossroads.
The Lost Art of Maintaining a Healthy Church (Matthew 18:15-20)
The Heart of a Disciplemaker (Colossians 4:2-18)
Ohana Fellowships: The Renaissance (Small Group Ministry)
Church Discipline