Answered Prayers!

“I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make its boast in the Lord; The humble shall hear of it and be glad. Oh, magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together.” Psalm 34:1-3 

I’ve been so busy with normal life, my non-medical cancer protocols and an ENDLESS STREAM of ministry opportunities that I have been negligent in posting updates on my "Epic Adventure"!! But I can assure you, as Mark Twain famously said, “Reports of my death are grossly exaggerated!”

I met with my oncologist this week and he said my most recent full spectrum blood panels came back in the normal range!! My PSA is now 1.8 (0-4.0 is normal for my age) and my full body bone scans show not only a decrease in cancer activity, but a complete healing of a few lesions in my back and ribs (not sure if you know, but healing from bone cancer is like winning the lottery)!! Bottom line, the various medications and non-medical protocols I’m utilizing along with THE ANSWERED PRAYERS OF FRIENDS LIKE YOU are working to put the “kabbash” on the initial predictions back in April of 2017 of my early demise!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

Suffice it to say, my Primary Care Physician, Urologist and Oncologist, who have been supportive of my “nonconventional” approach to healing from cancer, have been BLOWN AWAY by what’s happening with me! My oncologist’s final statement to me as I left his office: “Keep on doing whatever you’re doing because IT’S WORKING!”  

So, PRAISE THE LORD!! More time to love God, love others and make disciples! More time to love my wife, sons and extended family! More time to evangelize the lost, encourage the saints and mentor leaders! More time to come alongside and coach others faced with the daunting diagnosis of cancer! More time to EMBRACE and LIVE the EPIC LIFE!! 🎉🎉🎉

… AND more time for Becky and I to say THANK YOU for being our friends, for praying for us, for encouraging us and for partnering with us in the unexpected, but JOYOUS, platform of cancer as we touch even more lives than we ever could have previously — all because of the uninvited gift of CANCER!!

This makes me prayerfully wonder, “What wonderful platform of ministry might God have planned for you that is wrapped in the unattractive plain brown paper of life’s challenges?”

Have you experience Answered prayers in your own life recently? We love to hear about it so leave us a comment below.