Top 10 Reasons I Refuse To “Beat Cancer”!

Our Fight Is Not Against Flesh & Blood

Top 10 Reasons I Refuse To “Beat Cancer”

Before you read this post, let me begin by saying how grateful Becky and I are for your love and friendship!! It’s so encouraging (and humbling) to know that so many of you continue to pray for us and take an interest in our “Epic Adventure”! You are an AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL expression of God’s LOVE and ALOHA to us! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and know that we thank God daily for you!! 

Recently a friend contacted me and gently expressed concern that it seemed like I seemed to be enjoying my cancer too much and that describing it as a “Gift from God”, “A Blessing” or “A Platform for Ministry” seemed like passive surrender in a world where we’re encouraged to “Hate Cancer”, “Fight Cancer”, “Defeat Cancer”, “Kill Cancer” and “Beat Cancer”! Perhaps, she suggested, I should reconsider my present thinking and embrace what so many believe (even many Christians) to be the better path by attacking it with a vengeance and refusing to accept anything other than total victory over the disease.  

I totally get her point! Especially in light of the fact that we’ve all seen the posts, blogs and t-shirts that say, “Cancer Sucks”, “Keep Calm and Fight On”, “Knock Out Cancer”, “Tackle Cancer”, “Fight Cancer Like a Bulldog”, “iKill Cancer” or my personal favorite, “Stomp Out Prostate Cancer” (obviously not vetted by anyone with a “Y” chromosome) – not to mention a whole genre of other anti-cancer slogans that aren’t fit to print!

Navigating recovery from cancer is a very personal decision involving many choices complicated by a wide variety of treatment options and life circumstances. But all of these choices and options can be grouped into one of two primary treatment categories; 1) Beating cancer or 2) Healing cancer. So, without further ado, let me share with you my “Top 10 Reasons I Refuse To Beat Cancer”:

1. If I focus on beating cancer, I personify cancer as an enemy invader that needs to be destroyed using any means necessary including poisoning/radiating/nuking my own body instead of addressing it for what it is -- an abnormal over-multiplication of cells that can be healed through the strengthening of my own immune system.

2. If I focus on beating cancer, it will inevitably dominate, control and occupy a significant influence over my life – especially if that focus is framed as aggression and hatred toward something inanimate produced in and by my own body (Matthew 6:24).

3. If I focus on beating cancer, I will be ignoring the example of the OT and NT saints who never made their trials the focus of their lives. Instead, they embraced their circumstances/sufferings/persecutions, used them as an “unexpected platform” for doing good and faithfully continued to serve God and others in the midst of them (E.g. Joseph, Jesus, Paul, the OT saint in Hebrews 11)!

4. If I focus on beating cancer, I will leave my wife, sons, family, friends and church unprepared, confused and heartbroken should I die and I will have failed in my responsibility to show the way as the Apostle Paul did when he said, “Follow me as I follow Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1) – even if that means being an example, not just in life, but in death!

5. If I focus on beating cancer, I won’t have adequate time, energy or passion to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ, encourage those around me or advance the Kingdom of God! Satan will use anything and everything, from our iPhones to cancer, to discourage, distract and render us ineffectual in our calling to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20).

6. If I focus on beating cancer, I will be exalting and demanding my plan for my life instead of submitting to God’s plan (Proverbs 3:5-6), falling prey to Satan’s temptation to save myself (Mark 15:29-30) and failing to recognize death for what it is -- a portal of deliverance from this corrupt and fallen world into the joy-filled presence of the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8)!

7. If I focus on beating cancer, my heart, mind and life will be filled with anxiety, worry, stress and despair (Matthew 6:25-32) instead of the peaceful confidence that comes from “seeking FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33)!

8. If I focus on beating cancer, I will likely lose heart, forfeit the Holy Spirit’s inward renewing/refining work and sacrifice the exceeding and eternal weight of glory that God promises to those who believe on the finished work of Jesus Christ at Calvary and in life beyond the grave (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). 

9. If I focus on beating cancer, I am shifting my allegiance and submission from God’s clear command to die daily to myself and offer up my body as a living sacrifice (Rom 12:1-2) to doing whatever is necessary to live!

10. If I focus on beating cancer, I will have no room in my heart/mind for meditating on or preparing myself for the glorious prospect of heaven’s eternal pleasures:

a. The resurrection from the dead (1 Cor 15:12-20)
b. The privilege of seeing Christ face to face and enjoying His presence (1 John 3:2)
c. A new and glorious body (1 Cor 15:35-58)
d. Freedom from sin, sorrow, pain, tears and death (Rev 21:4)
e. The promised reward at the Bema Seat judgment (2 Cor 5:10)
f. The wedding supper of the Lamb (Rev 19:6-9)
g. The joy of perfect love, unity and peace with Christ and His Bride (Rev 21-22)
h. The beauty and magnificence of the new heaven and earth (Rev 21:1)
i. The privilege of ruling and reigning with Christ for all eternity (2 Tim 2:11-13)