“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation…” (Isaiah 52:7)
Our Story
Years ago, at a Discipleship conference in Massachusetts with our Discipleship leadership team, we had the privilege of having lunch with Leroy Eims (Navigators ministry) and we mentioned to Leroy that our team was feeling a little stagnant. We had been taking our leaders through a two year Navigator 2:7 program that was very comprehensive but long. Right away Leroy asked, “How’s your evangelism? If you’re not actively sharing your faith, you’ll grow lifeless.” We knew right then what our problem was! On our four hour trek back to New York, we (Bob & Becky) spent the entire time brainstorming ways that we could evangelize! Upon our return to New York, we tried everything: doing surveys at the local college, going door-to-door (not such a good idea in the dead of winter!), having neighborhood block parties, sharing with friends, and so on!
A few years later, clearly led by God, we moved across the continent and ocean to gorgeous Kaua’i where Pastor Bob took the helm of a struggling church that was about to close its doors. Over 23 years, we poured all our energy into equipping the saints in evangelism and discipleship. Over time, the fellowship blossomed, grew and became very fruitful. Over many years of active evangelism, one of our fellowship’s signature outreaches was the annual Farm Fair where we offered free face painting, gift card drawings, combined with surveys which opened the doors for our team to lead hundreds to Christ! Undoubtedly, every year, people on our team, ages 10-90, would be anxious and nervous about sharing the Good News! But we’d do it anyway, and the Holy Spirit gave each of us so much JOY in evangelizing! If we can overcome our hurdles and fears of sharing the Gospel, YOU CAN too!!
Tips for Friendship Evangelism:
Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with his agape love for others. Love needs to be the key motivator when sharing the Good News. When unbelievers or believers think of us, the main quality should be “loving”! Love opens the doors of people’s hearts! (I John)
Ask the Holy Spirit for “divine appointments” and anticipate them!
Equip yourself by learning the tools shared below!
“Shake the tree gently and if the fruit doesn’t drop easily, don’t force it. You’ll damage the fruit”. Eric Grieshaber taught us that valuable principle many years ago and that helped us to be more discerning concerning whether unbelievers were truly seeking or not. If you have a relationship with someone who has no interest in God, you can still love them through acts of kindness and prayer. In time, God may open their hearts to Him.
Offer to pray with unbelievers regarding their needs (even people you just met through a divine appointment). God answers prayers!
Write your 3 minute testimony and be prepared to share about how you came to know Christ. No one can dispute a personal testimony of what God has done in a believer’s life!
Remember, while it’s our responsibility to share the Good News, it’s God’s job to save!
Below are three classic evangelistic tools that will enable you to be more effective in pointing people to Christ!
1. Bridge Illustration
The Bridge Illustration is a classic, easy-to-use tool to use when sharing your faith with someone who doesn’t know Christ. Personally, it’s our favorite method and we’ve been using it for 40 years! The Navigators developed this handy tool many years ago and originally we had to memorize all the verses and steps in sharing—overwhelming for most people. After many years of ministry, we realized that people needed a user friendly diagram that they could use anywhere on the go.
Below you’ll find resources that you can use in sharing your faith. Pray for divine appointments and take the plunge in learning to share your faith! You’ll be nervous initially but the Holy Spirit will guide you and fill you with His joy! Remember, it’s not our job to “save” people, but it is responsibility to share!
For Bridge resources, Click on links:
2. One Verse Evangelism
Sharing the gospel on a coconut! Our island’s annual Coconut Festival was a great opportunity to share the Good News!
If sharing the Bridge Illustration seems too much for you, then try the One Verse Evangelism method (also by Navigators)! All you need to know is ONE verse!
For One Verse resource & explanation, Click on Link.
3. Three Circle Illustration
This tool is excellent for sharing with people who have a good understanding of the gospel but are not walking in obedience to God. These people might be referred to as “carnal” or “self-directed”. They might profess to believe in Jesus but are living in lifestyles of sin. This resource was developed by Campus Crusade for Christ, now called Cru .
God used this simple, instrumental tool in Becky’s life during college, leading to her recommitment to Christ as Lord!
Click on link to access this resources: