Getting Spiritually Fit in 2023

Happy New Year!  2023 is well underway and we hope you’re experiencing the joy and peace that only the Lord can give!

It’s that time of year when we’re all thinking of exercising more, eating less, and perhaps decreasing our online viewing time!  

Over the years, Pastor Bob would begin the new year with a sermon on beginning it with God’s goals for our lives.  

We encourage you to take a minute and reflect on God’s priorities for us in 2023.  Below is the outline for his message.

Getting Spiritually Fit
1 Corinthians 9:24-27


I The Pursuit of Spiritual Fitness
A. The Priority of Getting Fit
1. It requires a plan - Isa 32:8
2. It requires discipline - Phil 3:1-16
3. It requires perseverance - Heb
12:1-2; James 1:12

B. The Balance of Getting Fit
1. The lackadaisical approach
2. The rigid approach
3. The balanced approach - Jam 4:13-16; Prov 16:9

C. The Objective of Getting Fit
1. To live a life pleasing to God - Eph 5:10; 2 Cor 5:9-10
2. To be bear lasting fruit for God - Jn 15:8
3. To maximize the glory of God - Col 3:17

II The Path of Spiritual Fitness
A. Love God
1. Spend time with God daily - Ps 119:16; 1 Pet 2:2
a. Have daily Quiet Times - 2 Pet 3:18
b. Develop your prayer life - Dan 6:10; 1 Thess 5:17
c. Memorize the Word - Ps 1:2-3; Josh 1:8
d. Practice a lifestyle of worship - Ps 95:6-7
2. Yield yourself to a lifestyle of obedience - Jn 14:21
3. Develop koinonia with the HS - Eph 5:18; Rom 8:5
4. Practice the discipline of fasting - Matt 6:16-18
5. Take spiritual retreats - Lk 6:12-13; 11:1; Matt 14:23

B. Love Others
1. Love your family
a. Decide to be a godly spouse - Eph 5:21-33
b. Decide to be a godly parent - Deut 6:4-9
c. Decide to be a godly child - Col 3:20
2. Love your fellow believers
a. Encourage them with your words - Heb10:24-25
b. Serve them with your gifts - 1 Pet 4:10
c. Be active in a small group - Acts 2:42-47
d. Inspire them with your life - 1 Cor 11:1

3. Love Unbelievers
a. Pray for their salvation -1 Tim 2:1, 3-4
b. Share the gospel with them - Rom 10:14-15
c. Live a life of integrity - 1 Pet 2:12
C. Make disciples
1. Be a growing disciple - 2 Pet 3:18; Lk 9:23
2. Become a disciplemaker - Matt 28:19-20; 2 Tim 2:2

Take some time this week to consider the following:

1. Do you tend to be a rigid or lackadaisical planner when it comes to goal-setting? What are the pros and cons of each? What do you think you need to do to achieve an appropriate balance?

2. Do you have written goals for your spiritual and family life? If not, set time aside this week to prayerfully set realistic goals for each of the following areas: 1) Your relationship with God 2) your relationship with your family 3) your relationship with believers and 4) your relationship with unbelievers.

3. Below are a series of suggestions that will be helpful as you establish God-honoring objectives for this coming year:
1. Ask God what He wants you to focus on this year.
2. Remember to keep Christ the focus of your goals.
3. Cut your lofty goals in half.
4. Be specific about your goals.
5. Write down how you will do it.
6. Don’t make too many resolutions.
7. Keep your goals realistic.
8. Consider finding an accountability partner.
9. Keep track of your progress.
10. Remember, each new day is a new beginning.

Bob Hallman – The Epic Life
Copyright, Bob Hallman, 1996-2021, All Rights Reserved.

We hope you enjoy this reminder on “Getting Spiritually Fit”. If you’d like to view his full sermon notes, click here.
You can also view the entire sermon message at the video we’ve included below, or enjoy the full podcast version of the message.

Living out God's priorities is living the Epic Life!

God Bless,

The Epic Life
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