Posts in Sermons & Talks
Getting Spiritually Fit in 2023

It’s that time of year when we’re all thinking of exercising more, eating less, and perhaps decreasing our online viewing time!  Over the years, Pastor Bob would begin the new year with a sermon on beginning it with God’s goals for our lives.  Take a minute and reflect on God’s priorities for us in 2023.  This is the outline for his message.

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Are We at a Critical Juncture in Our Country?

We are at a critical juncture in our country, we are at a critical juncture globally. We've never been at a moment like this and there's some of you that are older than me and many that are younger, but we'd have to say that there has never been such a time as this in our country. We've never been through something like this" .

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The Lord Doesn't Want Us Ignorant!

The lord doesn't want us ignorant; he doesn't want us moving forward in our Christian life year after year passing and we and we're just as ignorant as we were 10 years ago about the scriptures. No, he wants us to move forward. That's why Paul repeatedly says in various books that he writes in the bible; he says grow in the grace and knowledge of the lord Jesus Christ grow up in your faith.

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Be Very Careful How You Live

Live a Life Worth Of the Calling You've been called to :
~ Live a Life of Love = Peripateo
~ Live as Children of Light = Peripateo
~ Be very careful then how you live, not as unwise but wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil = Peripateo

We are being called to walk in these things that we know and that we've been taught in order to please God "

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