Forever Grateful

The SECOND the second quality of "The New Normal" for born-again spirit-filled Christian, and the result of apprehending the grace of God, is that they love God with everything within them.

They just love the Lord. They have a growing love for God, and they respond and get excited when they read a passage like Philippians where Paul says that his prayer for them is that their love would abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight so that they can be able to discern what is best and pure and blameless until the day of Christ that they might be filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Christ Jesus.

So, a born-again Christian who's apprehended the grace of God and embraces it and clings to it is in love with Jesus for what he's done for them, just forever grateful. We have a song. There was a song that we used to sing called forever grateful. I'm forever grateful and that song represents the heart of a truly born-again spirit of a Christian.

If you enjoyed this 1 minute #short and want to hear more, be sure to listen to the entire message here


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