Whatever you do, Ramp it UP!

Enjoy this very short video clip from message "Instructions For Godly Living"

"If you are a believer, I assume everyone of you at different times, have been kind of a little flagging in your walk with God, kind of running out of gas and the verse that has helped me so much is :

Romans 12:11 - not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;

Never lacking in zeal, but maintain your spiritual fervor serving the Lord.

We have a responsibility to walk in this.

I want to encourage you to walk in all the stuff you know. You guys know so much about Jesus.

I want to say, "Ramp it up"... don't be satisfied with where you are and just kind of settle in. Never get in the hammock, keep moving forward in your walk with God. Wherever you are move forward, wherever you are, move forward and bring people with you and help them to know Christ Jesus as well.

Super abound in this great work that God is doing in your life and Super Abound in ministry and in your heart for Christ and in your intimate walk with the Lord, because it's the most challenging part. If I can get that passionate walk with Christ, if that's in order, everything else flows.

But if I lose the passion, and I'm still doing all the stuff, Im in trouble. It's just a matter of time before I start unravelling.

Wherever you are, Super Abound in Your Walk with Christ

If you would like to hear the entire message you can do that here https://bit.ly/InstructionsForGodlyLiving