The Epic Life

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The Enemy Wants to Derail You | Liar, Lunatic, or Lord

We are now messengers of that message of reconciliation and because of that we are called to be ambassadors of that message. You know there's a real tendency the enemy wants to derail the work that God has planned for you to do. There's no question he wants to take you out of the game. He wants to take you out through sin, he wants to take you out through distraction, he wants to take you out through discouragement, he wants to take you out in any way he can. Through conflict with other people, with your spouse, with your kids, with your finances. He wants to take you out and one of the ways that Satan can take out Christians is by distracting them with things and with concerns that they don't have power and authority over directly and move them away from things that they do have power and authority over personally.

Paul says that we are ambassadors of this message of reconciliation, and he says I've invested you with power you are my apostolate you are the ones that are being sent out by me by the power of God, in the name of God, by the Spirit of God, to do what I've called you to do which is to seek and save the Lost preach the gospel and make disciples. This is what we can do. So in your concern about what's happening in the areas that you have no power, and no authority, don't let that consume and overtake your life and derail you from the things that you do have power and authority to participate in by Almighty God because he's made you ambassadors of this wonderful reconciliation of Jesus Christ.

If you've been blessed by this short message, we encourage you to watch the full sermon here.

The Epic Life