Supremacy of Christ | Intro to Colossians

Enjoy this short clip from a video sermon Bob delivered August 11, 2019 Titled Intro to Colossians.

The book of Colossians is a phenomenal book it really is a book about the supremacy of Christ, but it answers a lot of questions that were on the heart and the lips of the pastor of the church in Colossae who happened to be a path for us. Apophis had concerns and some of those concerns are very similar to the concerns we have today.

For instance,

  • 1. was Jesus just a prophet, a moral teacher an ascended master, or was he the Son of God and more specifically was he God.

  • 2. Another question they were struggling with is does it matter what we eat? It doesn't matter what we eat either ceremonial with you Old Testament covenant, doesn't matter what we eat. If we're vegan, or if we like Lau Lau and pork hash.

  • 3. Does it matter what day we worship on. Are we still bound by the Old Testament covenant of the Sabbath? Are we bound by the day of the Sabbath, or are we bound by the Sabbath at all? Those are questions that were they were facing.

  • 4. Is harsh treatment of the body a successful remedy for overcoming sin. In other words, can we discipline ourselves and self-discipline ourselves into perfection.

  • 5. Is it possible for a person by virtue of the harsh treatment of the body actually to work their way into a place of not just sinless perfection, because that's not even a biblical concept as it relates to this fall in life. that we're in but is it possible for a person to get incrementally better by harsh treatment of the body.

  • 6. Is it okay to mix the teachings of Christ with the teachings of other religions and most notably, Eastern mysticism, which was a problem in Colossae at that time. A problem here in Kauai as well.

  • 7. The final question, aren't all religions in the end leading to the same God? Isn't Allah the same as Yahweh, as same as the Hindu gods, and the pantheistic approach they have isn't the same as every God of every religion.

Perhaps we're all just pursuing the same God of a different name and the door is all going to lead these paths, all lead to the same door which is the eternal kingdom of heaven.

These are problems and theological issues the church in Colossae was facing and there are issues that we face, as well as most of you, just as I went through these, you already know the answers to these questions but what Paul was presenting to the church in Colossae was not just an understanding, no that's wrong, yes that's right, no that's wrong, no that's not right, what he was presenting was a doctrine and a theology that they could present to other people and explain themselves why these things are either right or wrong and how we can be found in the perfect will of God.

In the full sermon, Bob gives an introduction to this book of Colossians. You can view the entire sermon here

The Epic Life Bob and Becky Hallman