Answered Prayer!

Answered Prayer

A huge “MAHALO NUI LOA” to all of you who have been praying for me, my family and our church as Becky and I have been navigating this REMARKABLE, JOY-FILLED, EPIC adventure! I know I’m repeating myself, but have I told you how much I LOVE having cancer?!? It’s the BOMB!!! (I’ll share more in a future piece about the AMAZING doors God has opened for me to use cancer as a platform for effectual ministry)!

For those of you who have been waiting for an update, here’s the latest news in a nutshell. My PSA numbers are now NORMAL (2.7 and dropping) and my doctors are beyond surprised/delighted! Having said that, my PSA score is being artificially suppressed by my ADT Therapy, which zeros out my testosterone and, thus, serves to starve my cancer of its preferred fuel. So, while I’m still considered a Stage 4 Cancer patient, the hope is that with the suppression on my cancer’s otherwise aggressive growth rate, the non-medical protocols I'm utilizing will be freed up to work unopposed in the healing of my body. 

To all our family, friends, neighbors, sister churches here on Kauai and wonderful brothers and sisters across the globe, I want to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude for your kindness, love and aloha in interceding on my behalf before the Throne of Almighty God!! He has answered and continues to answer in REALLY BIG WAYS — I have uninterrupted perfect peace, joy that’s indescribable, non-stop divine appointments and an ever-deepening intimacy with the Lord! 

May God SEE, HONOR and BLESS you abundantly for upholding me in prayer and may He REWARD you for the tremendous fruit we are bearing together in the midst of this EPIC JOURNEY!!

B HallmanThe Epic Life