The Adventure Continues!

The Adventure continues

A big “Mahalo Nui Loa” to those of you who took the time to congratulate us and to share your gracious and uplifting comments and memories! You guys are absolutely AMAZING and your prayers are being answered!! May the Lord see, bless and honor you for your friendship, kindness, partnership and love for us over all these years!

As most of you know, on April 12, 2019, Becky and I retired after 23 joy-filled years at Crossroads Christian Fellowship! We absolutely LOVED serving God’s people at CCF and Kauai Bible College and couldn’t have asked for a more loving, devoted and fruitful congregation with whom to co-labor! 

Our retirement necessitates that Becky and I proactively take a one year sabbatical from attending CCF in order to give Pastor Nathan and his wife, Zephyr, space to get established in their new role as Interim Pastor at CCF. As you can imagine this is a bitter/sweet transition for us; Bitter because we will so miss our church family and dear friends at CCF and KBC and sweet because new doors of opportunity and adventure are opening before us! For the first time since our honeymoon 32 years ago, we are actually free to go anywhere and do anything the Lord calls us to do and we’re thrilled to embark on the next leg of our spiritual journey!!

In the short term, we believe the Lord is leading us to:

1. Sell our house on Kauai
2. Move to Oahu
3. Serve as a “Pastor Without Borders” (more on this later)

So, be prepared to see us posting items for sale on Craig’s List and FB in the days and weeks to come! And if you’re interested in purchasing a beautiful home in the Wailua Homesteads on the Garden Isle of Kauai with significant offsetting rental income, feel free to contact us! 

A number of you have asked “What’s next?” Our answer: More of what we’ve always been about -- personal evangelism, discipleship, mentoring, coaching, teaching God’s Word and using the platform of cancer to share the gospel, encourage the saints and advance the kingdom of God both here and abroad!! 

Over our many years in ministry, I’ve always encouraged believers to invest their material resources in ministries and individuals who can do things they can’t do and go to places they can’t go so that they can share in the Bema Seat reward accruing to those who are uniquely engaged in the work of the Kingdom. And now, for the first time in 40 years, I’m the one asking! So if you consider us a good investment and are excited about partnering with us, this is what you can do:

1. Pray for God’s grace and favor on us as we make this transition and for the quick sale of our house!

2. Pray for continued healing from cancer. My PSA numbers jumped drastically from 2.7 to 16.55 during the Fall of 2018 due to stress and my bone cancer spread, but with prayer, less stress since retirement and some new medications, my PSA is once again normal and my bones are healing! 

3. Pray for continued supernatural power, wisdom, impact and soft hearts as I share the gospel, encourage the saints, coach pastors/leaders and engage in my many daily “Divine Appointments” with locals and visitors alike!

4. Support us financially as missionaries of Crossroads Christian Fellowship: Becky and I both have our Master’s Degrees (Education for her and M.Div. for me), over 80 years of combined ministry experience and we are excited to continue our lifestyle of glorifying God, sharing the gospel and advancing the Kingdom of God! Becky plans to continue teaching and our housing needs are met -- so we only need help with my medical expenses and a relatively small monthly ministry stipend. If you are interested in being a part of our team and making a one time or monthly tax deductible contribution, email me at and I’ll fill you in on the details. 

Finally, have I told you lately how much I LOVE HAVING CANCER?!?! I have so many stories to share regarding how God is using my cancer for His glory, but I’ll save it for a future post. In the meantime, here’s a little bit of unsolicited advice from a guy gazing with clarity into the face of eternity: “LOVE God and LOVE people, preach the GOSPEL, make DISCIPLES, live the EPIC LIFE and make EVERY MOMENT COUNT!!”

B Hallman