Breaking News!

Breaking News

“I will not die (at least not anytime soon) but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done!” Psalm 118:17

Following recent medical tests, my urologist, Dr. Peter Tran, called to let me know that my PSA and full blood panel work up all came back NORMAL!!! Hahaha!! Can you believe it?!?! I should be dead by now, but I’m NORMAL – and that’s saying a lot since I’ve never really been NORMAL!!! 

Before you get too excited thinking I’m healed and cancer free, let me point out that I still have Stage 4 Aggressive Prostate Cancer, it’s still in my pelvis, parts of my spine, rib cage and jaw and, barring a divine healing, I’m still facing a death sentence at some point in the future!! But I’m like, “Who cares?!?” I’m alive TODAY, almost 60 years old, blessed with a wonderful wife and family, enjoyed 40 years of fruitful church ministry, anticipate a glorious future in God’s everlasting Kingdom AND I’m loving life and having a BLAST using cancer as a PLATFORM for ministry! Consequently, I am completely content, have absolutely no fear of death and am in no rush to say goodbye to my unexpected, serendipitous and very useful “Friend”!!

So, for now, the “Breaking News” is that my cancer is on the decline, dormant, suppressed, starved and finding the biological/chemical/nutritional/supernatural environment of my body inhospitable to its predatory inclination to steal, kill and destroy!

Some of you may be asking, “What do you think are the primary contributing factors to your new NORMAL?” So, here are my “TOP FIVE”:

1. God’s mercy and goodness in answering your many FAITHFUL PRAYERS!! Becky and I will be forever indebted and bonded to each one of you for graciously joining us on this EPIC ADVENTURE!! Mahalo Nui Loa for your love, prayers and friendship – and please, please don’t stop!!

2. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ, a biblical world/life view and the loving support, encouragement and generosity of so many wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ, near and far, who “get” my rather ABNORMAL response to cancer!

3. Our personal decision to HEAL my body by strengthening my immune system through nutrition, exercise, reduced stress and a variety of non-medical protocols rather than ATTACK the cancer in my body with carcinogenic radiation and chemo. 

4. My incredible and godly wife/nutritionist/coach/heroic warrior, Becky, who has joined me in embracing cancer as a gift from God and as a platform for fruitful ministry! Babe, you’re AMAZING and I’m more in love with you with every passing day!!

5. The expertise and counsel of my urologist, Dr. Tran, and my oncologist, Dr. Cronk, to lower my testosterone levels pharmaceutically since testosterone is prostrate cancer’s preferred source of fuel for growth! I’ll be forever grateful for the wonderful medical doctors, nurses, technicians and staff at Wilcox Memorial Hospital and Pali Momi Medical Center who have walked with me every step of the way and appreciated my JOYFUL response to cancer and my MESSAGE of hope, forgiveness and salvation through simple faith in Jesus Christ!! 

In closing, I have nothing but overflowing THANKFULNESS, euphoric JOY and heartfelt GRATITUDE to the Lord for the special calling and privilege He has allowed me to embrace for the praise of His glory, the display of His grace, power, love, faithfulness and goodness and the daily opportunities for me (and others) to declare through the platform of my “terminal cancer” the BREAKING NEWS of God’s life-giving salvation through His crucified and risen Son, Jesus Christ!! 

“I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips. I will glory in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.” Psalm 34:1-3