

After 23 years of wonderful, fulfilling and fruitful ministry at Crossroads Christian Fellowship on Kauai, Becky and I are pleased to announce our RETIREMENT! We’ve been serving the Lord in church ministry for coming up on 40 years and have LOVED every minute of it (well, almost every minute)!! LOL 

It’s hard to put into words the joy we experienced this week as we cleared out our office, emptied our files and turned in our keys! But it’s not a joy from the prospect of never working again — because we’re already fully engaged in a new and exciting “EPIC Adventure” (we’ll tell you about it in another FB post)! Rather, our joy comes from reflecting on the last 23 years of PARTNERSHIP with the beautiful saints at CCF and Kauai Bible College, joy from considering the countless lost sheep who were FOUND by the Gospel of Christ and TRANSFORMED by the power of the Holy Spirit, joy from discipling, teaching, training and EQUIPPING so many leaders for the work of ministry, joy from embracing and fulfilling the GREAT COMMISSSION, joy from recalling all the MIRACULOUS ways God magnified and glorified His name through the faith of a small band of sold out believers in the middle of the Pacific, joy from engaging in ADVANCING the Kingdom of God on Kauai and beyond, joy from PASSING THE BATON on to other qualified leaders who are simultaneously filled with excitement and the fear of the Lord and joy from the SATISFACTION of knowing that we served to the best of our ability each and every day for the sake of the precious and beautiful Bride of Christ!! 

BeckyJohnMichael and I would like to acknowledge and thank the countless people (you know who you are) over the years who have loved us, befriended us, inspired us, encouraged us, supported us, worked alongside us, challenged us, prayed for us and opened the doors of opportunity for us as we obeyed the Lord’s call to come to Kauai and lead His people at Crossroads Christian Fellowship. We love you all and want to say from the depths of our hearts, “MAHALO NUI LOA”!!

NOTE: For those who are interested, you can read our “Letter of Retirement” by clicking on

B HallmanThe Epic Life