This Moment In History | God Said He Would Shake the Nations

My heart is grieved to watch our nation unravel. My heart is grieved by these things but simultaneously, the saints for millennia have been waiting for this moment in human history to come and we're here breathing, alive, watching it occur. We get to be a part of what very well could be the last generation before the Lord comes for the church.

In the book of Hebrews, we're told something similar in chapter 12 verse 25 when the writer says " see to it that you don't refuse him who speaks."

You know the lord is speaking. There's no question he's trying to communicate some things to us but if we don't know the prophecies, and we don't know his plan, we're going to be confused by the message. We're going to be distressed by it, but if we understand that God is said in advance, he is going to shake the nations and there's a reason he's going to shake the nations, then we can participate in it and we can partner in it and we can actually contribute to God's eternal plan. So, it's important that as he speaks, we not only understand what he's saying but that we partner in that work that he wants to accomplish

Enjoy the rest of the message. You can hear the entire sermon message here


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