Make It Count! We Are Almost Home

Be an ambassador of the Gospel while it's still light. God has made you an ambassador of Jesus Christ. Make it count - this window is short, it's not going to last forever, and God says go for it! WE ARE ALMOST HOME.

In this short Bible Byte, Bob shares from a full sermon he delivered titlted “The Coming of the Anti-Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12)

Be determined to keep your eyes and your heart and your mind fixed on eternity we are almost home so set your hearts and your minds on things above. As Paul says in Colossians, not on earthly things but on Christ. For you died in your life is now hidden with Christ and God and when Christ who is in your life appears, you also will appear with him in Glory. Apocalypses!

Friends, we're almost home. Our savior is coming, the world is struggling, and it's weighed down . You are a godly influence right now under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Use that influence to hold back evil.

Be involved, do what you can, but at the end of the day, remember your savior is coming and he's coming for the church and he has not appointed you to wrath but to salvation and because of that you can be confident that though we struggle in this life and face a variety of difficulties that you will be spared the turmoil and the tragedy and the wrath of God when that day comes .

He loves you and he loves your family, he loves your co-workers, and he loves your Ohana on this island.

He says for the short window that we have, walk worthily of Christ let your light shine and make your life count as you share the Gospel and this tremendous message of God's love but also of his plan for the world.

We're almost home, we're almost there. and when all is said and done, God is going to restore this earth and the universe. He's going to bring us back and the earth is going to be more beautiful than anything that you've ever seen, even on this incredibly beautiful island, but it will be without sin, without judgment, without fear, without sorrow, without tears, without anxiety, without pain.

We will live and rule and reign with our God forever! Make it count, we're almost home

To hear the rest of the message, you can visit ttps://

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The Epic Life
Bob and Becky Hallman |