GOD LOVES YOU stand firm!

God Has Loved Your Perfectly Right Now and that love has enduring implications

Paul begins in verse 13 by giving them some of these principles that are so encouraging for the church, and he begins by saying we ought always to give thanks to God for you because you were loved by the Lord. This is one of the first things that Paul encourages. In the midst of all your problems Thessalonians, in the midst of all the challenges you're facing, I want you to know something, God loves you! God loves you with an everlasting love.

God has loved you perfectly and that love has enduring implications. That's really encouraging when you're feeling piled on isn't it, that God loves you.

I want to tell you right now that God loves you perfectly right now with enduring implications. He's not going to stop loving you. That love is permanent, it's secure, it's established in the heavens, and it's established in the heart of God, and it's given freely to you.

Paul often references this in his writings. In Romans 1:7he told the church they're loved by God. In Colossians 3, you're dearly loved. In first Thessalonians you are loved by the Lord, and I think it's important to remember that this love is not based on our performance, on our successes, on our attractiveness, it was initiated by God.

In the midst of our sin when we were at our ugliest moments, when he had seen and has seen the worst of the worst of what we're like, the Bible says that he loved us. First john 4, and this is love not that we love God but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. The Bible says while we were still sinners Christ died, and I'll change the word for you while you were still sinners.

Christ died for you what an encouraging word to the church: they're not abandoned by God. God hasn't left them, God hasn't forsaken them, God is not ignorant of the events in their lives nor is he ignorant of the events in your lives and he loves you with a perfect enduring love.

We hope you've been blessed by this short message. If you would like to the entire Sunday Sermon, you can do that here https://youtu.be/shDru1wT7O8 Blessings,

The Epic Life
Bob and Becky Hallman