Amazed by Grace

They're amazed by God's grace, they're just amazed by it, they know and agree with Ephesians which says that that by grace we've been saved through faith, and this isn't from ourselves, it's a gift of God so that no one can boast.

They know that they have sinned, they know that they should be burning in hell, they know they have no proper or right standing on their own apart from Christ. To have a relationship with God, they've accepted that they're Extra Ordinary in fact they are disqualified from having a relationship with God entirely by their sin.

This is the place. This is a beginning point of having a spirit-filled born-again Christian experience. It is that we recognize our spiritual poverty before God and when God comes into our life at our invitation and when we say that we want him and respond to the Gospel, then what we experience the Bible calls grace.

Grace is the unmerited favor of God, and a born-again spirit-filled Christian is amazed by grace. They don't get tired of it, they don't get worn out with it, they don't start in grace and try to finish by being good, extraordinary people. They start out with grace, and they cling to grace, and they hold on to grace and they embrace grace all the way through because they know it's the only standing that they have, and the joyful experience of being completely accepted in the beloved by the performance of one-man, Jesus Christ on the cross. Thats our ONLY standing!

The Epic Life "