How to Grow Spiritually

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

Colossians 2:6-7

All too often, young believers are told to “read your Bible, pray and go to church.” But, if you’re a young in Christ, you may not even know how to go about developing your friendship with God. If you’re an older believer, it’s possible that you’ve never been discipled by an older Christian. We used these valuable resources in our Discipleship 101 course at Kauai Bible College. Below are several excellent resources to help you in your walk with the Lord.

Click on the following links to access great resources.

  • How to Have a Quiet Time: This resource shows you how to fellowship with God daily by reading His Word and responding to Him through prayer. This a classic! We’ve used this “959 Plan” method for over 30 years with hundreds of believers of all ages. It’s effective with brand new Christians and older Christians alike! (You can print this pdf and make a booklet)

  • One to One Discipleship: This 9-week series covers the basics of growing in Christ. The beauty of this resource is that it covers the essentials, is easy to use and practical. Multiplication Ministries compiled effective lessons and diagrams from Campus Crusade (Cru). We used this in our Discipleship 101 and 102 courses and with countless believers over the years. Lessons include: Assurance of Salvation, Attributes of God, The Bible, Prayer, Spirit-Filled Life, Fellowship, Witnessing, Temptation, and Obedience.

  • How to Share Your Faith: Sharing the gospel should be a natural part of our lives; yet most believers are fearful of evangelizing and have never led anyone to Christ. Check out the link to learn effective ways of witnessing! You can, with the power of the Holy Spirit and your obedience, overcome hurdles and lead people to Christ! The sooner a disciple develops a lifestyle of witnessing, the healthier s/he will be!

  • Scripture Memory: Memorizing Scripture is another barrier for many Christians, perhaps because it requires time and effort. But committing Scripture passages to memory has so many rewards! The Holy Spirit uses what we memorize to remind us of important truths in our time of need, to enable us to point others to Christ and to realign our minds with the Lord. After 24 hours, we might be able to remember 15% of what we read but we can remember 100% of what we memorize!

  • How to Spend a Day in Prayer: This booklet contains two impactful articles, Fasting and Prayer (Dr Bill Bright) and How to Spend a Day in Prayer (Lorne Sanny). These two reads will certainly equip and prepare you to develop your prayer life!

  • Tyranny of the Urgent: Written by Charles E. Hummel, this article is a treasure that is necessary to read every year. You’ll be encouraged to prioritize the important things in life over the urgent.

  • Read Through the Bible Chronologically: As you grow in Christ, you’ll want to read through the Bible. We believe one of the most effective ways to read the whole Bible is chronologically. The Bible was organized by genres, instead of time order, so the chronological guides help you get a much better picture of how events unfolded throughout history. John Kohlenberger III also has a guide that you can purchase (check Amazon).