The Gift Of Cancer!



Earlier this week, Becky and I were on a beach prayer walk when I suddenly blurted out my intense, indescribable and euphoric joy over the GIFT that cancer has been in my life! In fact, I described it to her (as I do to anyone willing to listen) as one of the best things that's ever happened to me!

While the godliness, character, courage and strength of this woman never ceases to amaze me, her response still blew me away! She said, "I totally agree! (I was a bit shocked and briefly thought perhaps she was envisioning spending my Life Insurance Policy payout)! Hahaha But then she elaborated by saying, "Without a doubt, God has gifted you, appointed you and anointed you for His own sovereign purposes to carry His love, His name and His gospel to others using the platform of cancer!" WOW, God gave me a spiritual giant for a wife!! She's a force to be reckoned with, a threat to the kingdom of darkness and a blessing to the Bride of Christ -- and still as sexy as ever! (I know, I know, I shouldn't talk like that, she's tells me, but I seem to have lost all my filters as of late)!

A million thanks to all of you who are following my Epic Adventure -- for sharing in our joy, for giving us strength through your prayers and for putting wind in our sails through your incredible love and friendship!  😍😎

B Hallman