The Epic Life

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Life Lessons from Bob

“The memory of the righteous will be a blessing”

Proverbs 10:7

In honor of Bob’s graduation to Heaven almost a year ago, I asked some of our friends and family to share Life Lessons they’ve learned from him. Some are memorable quotes he was noted for. Thank you everyone who contributed these lessons! May these life lessons remind and inspire us all to Live the Epic Life of following Christ and making Him known! Thank you everyone for your love, friendship and prayers over our family this year! May God bless you and produce lasting fruit through your lives! Live the Epic Life!

Living Life To The Fullest

  • Bob's life was the best sermon he ever preached.  

  • I learned to "love God over everything else and to make the most of every moment as if it's your last!"

  • Be imitators of me, just as I am of Christ. (1 Corinthians 11:1) Bob challenged us to be examples of Christ for others to follow.  For years I downplayed my role in living a life worthy of the calling and excused my behaviors citing that I was only a fleshly man.  Bob quickly cut to the heart of my issues and removed all doubt that I, as a follower of Christ, was to be a follower in deed. 

  • Spending personal time with God in His Word and in prayer and worship is the most important thing we get to do each day.

  • Always be on the lookout for divine appointments and take advantage of them as the Holy Spirit leads and directs the conversations. We never know what God has planned for that person in the future and we can partner with God!

  • Bob taught me to surf! least how to stand up on a board!

Marriage, Family & Relationships

  • Your marriage & family is your first priority and ministry. Be intentional about spending time with family and don't sacrifice them for ministry.

  • “No matter how young you are, God can use you and your family.” 

  • Don't expect your sons to get your knowledge and faith through osmosis; proactively teach them how to live and be godly men.

  • Be wise and careful with your money, so you can be generous with others.

  • Encourage others, highlighting their strengths that make them unique.

  • Pastor Bob modeled and taught us how to "make pono" or reconcile with others.

  • When illustrating a principle in a sermon, Bob said, "I'll be able to go to my grave knowing I was a good husband and a good father and knowing that to the best of my ability, I was a faithful pastor". (How to Maintain Your Spiritual Fervor, 2012)

Ministry & Prayer:

  • He preached out of God’s Word. You could see Spirit working through Bob. God used him 100%. I want to be used by God, like God used Bob.

  • A man of God should have undaunting courage in every situation, entrusting himself and the outcome to God. I never saw Bob compromise his faithfulness to God out of fear or desire to please men.

  • After delivering the sermon on Sundays, he'd go immediately to Sunday School and love on the keiki! Kids knew they were loved by Pastor Bob.   

  • Pastor Bob knew how to make church FUN for everyone! FUNNEST pastor ever!

  • Growing God’s kingdom was Bob's priority; equipping saints for work was his passion.

  • Protect other's reputations by addressing sins within the smallest group possible. You never have to raise your voice to make your point, no matter how out of control those around you are.

  • Minister to everyone, but the most effective use of your time and resources is to invest in those who are devoted and serving Christ.

  • Protect those under your care, but don't deny them the privilege of suffering for Christ. A true shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

  • Do your homework when you're called to teach. 

  • Bob was filled with genuineness, sincerity, faith and love for God and man. I know he always put Jesus first but he did it in a way that wasn’t arrogant or self-seeking but truly aiming to do eternal good to others to the glory of Jesus. He was one that had a great balance of truth and grace like his King. I’m thankful for Bob.

  • I learned how to pray on the spot and be an encourager. Many people say "I’ll pray for you” then walk away. But to have someone ask, “Can I pray for you?” and do it right there, demonstrates the body of Christ in action. 

  • When Bob & Becky's young son had a medical crisis and was medevacked to Oahu, Bob urged others, "Don’t pray for an outcome; pray for mercy." Upon landing, an ambulance with the bold word MERCY, was waiting! We'll never forget how God answered!

  • Bob prayed for our family every time he walked by our home with his dog. Now I do the same for neighbors as I walk by their homes!

Evangelism & Discipleship

  • When talking about evangelism/discipleship, Bob would often exhort us to "Go big for God! Live the Epic Life by going all out for God and investing your life in others!"

  • Early on in ministry, Bob knew that there was more to ministry than just putting on events and maintaining a church.  He was committed and determined to become effective in evangelism and discipleship! And he did.

  • Bob challenged me to be BOLD in sharing our faith. Bob was vibrant, alive and ALWAYS sharing God's Word.  Even in his roughest times, Bob was sharing the Gospel and edifying and encouraging others. I want to be like that...outspoken about Gods Word, edifying and encouraging others.

Suffering & Death

  • When diagnosed with aggressive stage 4 cancer, he determined to use it for God's glory; and he exhorted us to do the same. "We all have a platform. What’s your platform? Use it for God’s glory!"

  • Whenever Bob was discouraged about his suffering, he would start calling people to encourage them!

  • Bob had no animosity towards people who harmed him.   He had a loving spirit towards everyone, even those who hurt him deeply.

  • I remember Bob saying, "I want to show the world what it looks like to finish well." He did it, and without complaining, “God, why me, why must I die this way?”  He lived out what the apostle Paul proclaimed in 2 Timothy 4:7-8, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. There is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that day, and not only to me, but to all those who have loved his appearing."

  • I'll never forget the last gathering with Bob at your house; instead of letting others honor him, Bob honored God, exhorting us to love God and love others.

  • At the end of his life, he remarked, 

    • "I have no regrets. I laid it all on the field for Christ."

    • "Dying is easy. What makes it easy is having a clean conscience and a fulfilled mission. You can face death without fear."

One last special note:

"I had the pleasure and privilege of knowing Bob ever since he married my sister Becky over three decades ago. Bob was like a big light bulb that was always on, radiating joy and compassion through his generous soul. He was fun to have as a brother in law, and I miss him. He used the gifts God gave him to bless people wherever he went, whether surfing or giving a sermon. Always ready to share a prayer or a kind word of encouragement, his dedication to serving God was obvious. I saw that his faith was unshakeable and that he lived life in alignment with his beliefs. That, I learned, was the source of his courage and character, and it made him a devoted and loving husband and father. Although I did not have many opportunities to hear him preach in person, Bob set an example that still speaks louder than anything I heard him say. To me, his life was the most eloquent and moving sermon he ever delivered."

Thank you everyone who shared these memorable Life Lessons.
Feel free to comment below to add yours!

We would also like to encourage you to review our resources on this website that help you know “How to Share Jesus Christ with others”, as well as Make Disciples through Discipleship, of course, enjoy the many sermons on video and podcasts where Pastor Bob Hallman teaches God’s Word to help us all Live The Epic Life!