The Epic Life

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Keep Calm and Wait!

Keep Calm and Wait For Test Results: PSMA PET MRI update!

As most of you know, I received my PSMA PET MRI scan earlier this week. Suffice it to say, it was an incredible experience!

But first, …

I want to let you know that my scan results were not ready for my doctor’s appointment this morning and won’t be available until sometime toward the end of the week.

The suspense is killing me!! Hahaha!  

As soon as I know the results, I’ll be sure to let all of you wonderful friends and prayer warriors know! 

In the Meantime…

In the meantime, let me share some of the amazing things God did during my time at the UCSF Imaging Center and how the Lord answered your prayers!

First of all, after checking in, the staff had me change into the usual trendy hospital garb — shorts, smock, robe and rubberized socks! Then they put me in a waiting room full of other men in the same getup awaiting their own imaging appointments.

These guys were from different ethnicities, languages, religions and vocations — there were engineers, restaurant owners, insurance investigators, retirees, nuclear power technicians, CEOs of companies, high school students, business owners, urban hipsters and philanthropists.

The one thing we all had in common is that we had already been diagnosed with aggressive cancer and some were terminal. So, as you might imagine, the atmosphere in the room was somber and deadly quiet.

But as an ambassador of the message of reconciliation with a love for God, a Spirit-driven love for people and a passion for sharing the gospel, I was like a kid in an candy store!!! 


What’s even more amazing is that for reasons I still don’t understand, I had to wait in that room for almost 4 hours as over two dozen guys came and went — and I got to share my testimony, the love of God, the gospel of Jesus Christ and how they, too, could experience supernatural joy in the midst of cancer with every single one of them!!
I was in my element and LOVED every minute of it!!

Every time the nurse came to the room and called for the next patient I silently prayed, “Not me yet, Lord!” 

I didn’t want to leave the sacredness of God’s outpouring of grace or the presence of His redemptive activity in that place!!
I’d love to share the content of the conversations I had with these guys, but it wouldn’t be appropriate without their permission. Suffice it to say, my joy at being in the proximity of God’s activity was so profound that I cried when it was finally my turn to leave the room for my PSMA PET MRI scan.
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to me, my beautiful and loving Becky was counseling, encouraging, sharing the gospel and praying with the spouses of these same men out in the lobby for over 4 hours!!

In Closing: 

I’ll close with Jesus’ words to His disciples from John 4:35-36 “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.”

What God did in that waiting room was nothing short of a miracle! And by virtue of your prayers, love, encouragement, support and friendship, you are full sharers and partakers in the wonderful harvest that took place in that most unlikely of places!!