The Epic Life

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Keep Calm And Wait For The Results!


I finally received my PSMA PET MRI report from Dr. Eric Small, the Director of Oncology at the UCSF Cancer Research Institute. It arrived in my email on Sunday morning just before church, which allowed me to bring our church body at Crossroads Christian Fellowship up to speed on the very unexpected and encouraging results! And now, I have the JOY of sharing the results with those of you who have been following this “Epic Adventure” and praying for a MIRACLE!

As you may recall, following my prostatectomy in June, my surgeon, Dr. Charles Kim, informed me that 1) My prostate, bladder and two adjacent lymph nodes all tested positive for aggressive (Gleason 9) metastatic cancer, 2) My cancer was categorized as Stage 4 and 3) There was an 80% chance that the cancer had already spread upwards into the rest of my lymphatic system, including my abdomen, upper torso, neck, brain and possibly into other organs and my bones, as well. Suffice it to say, up until now, the news has been consistently going from bad to worse, which makes today’s update that much more MIRACULOUS!!

So, here’s the AMAZING news that is a result of God’s FAITHFULNESS, a direct answer to your PRAYERS and nothing short of a MIRACLE!
1. There is no cancer in my head or neck (although it’s a bit distressing to be told, “We scanned your brain and found nothing!” Hahaha!
2. There is no cancer in my upper chest 
3. There is no cancer in my upper lymphatic system (Total MIRACLE!!)
4. There is no cancer in my abdomen including my internal organs 
5. There is no cancer in my bladder (“Now you see it, now you DON’T!”)
6. There is no cancer in my prostate bed (the area surrounding my prostate)

To what do I attribute this MIRACLE?
1. The Lord God Almighty, Jehovah Rapha (Healer), who alone has the power over LIFE and DEATH and has determined the number of my days (evidently, my number’s not up quite yet)! Thank you, LORD, for your healing touch!

2. The faithful and persistent prayers of the saints! “Mahalo Nui Loa” to you prayer warriors! You guys have been faithful, persistent and incredible!!

3. The radical changes in my diet encouraged by:
a. My wife, Becky, who has done countless hours of research on medical and non-medical cancer-fighting protocols. As a result of our discoveries together, I’m now a vegan (no meat or dairy), avoid sugar/processed foods/most carbs and engage in several dietary cancer-fighting protocols each day. The results so far have been profound: I’m down to my high school weight of 175, I have more energy and stamina than ever, my teeth are a few shades whiter, my stubborn decades-old toe nail fungus is disappearing and my immune system is in peak condition -- giving my body the best possible chance of healing and overcoming cancer! Thanks for working so hard to keep me alive, girlfriend!!  ☺

b. My brothers in Christ and good friends:
1. Ken Rutz, who turned me on to Kauai Juice Company’s cold pressed vegetable “Selfies” (5 lbs. of veggies in every serving) and gifted me with one month’s worth to get me started! I drink one of these potent concoctions every day! 
2. Kevin Westin-Webb, who showed up at my house one day with a brand new NutriBullet, veggies and fruit -- and then proceeded to unbox the unit, prepare the ingredients and make me my first ever cancer-fighting veggie/fruit smoothie! I drink 1-2 of these healthy drinks every day!

Having said that, I’m not out of the woods yet! The scan also revealed the following:
1. There is evidence of metastatic disease (cancer) in 3 bilateral iliac (adjacent to the prostate bed) lymph nodes.
2. There is “possible” evidence of metastatic disease (cancer) in the right inferior pubic ramus (the bottom of the pubic bone). They say “possible” because it’s not uncommon for this new PSMA PET MRI machine, which is extremely sensitive, to give even benign bone lesions the false appearance of being cancerous. The only way to be certain is to do a bone biopsy, which is not recommended.

As a result of the PSMA PET MRI scan, Dr. Small’s assessment is that I no longer qualify for his clinical trial since my cancer is treatable here on Kauai with the readily available hormone therapies and radiation! I’ve never been so happy to be rejected!! LOL

In light of God’s GOODENSS and LOVIGNKINDNESS, what can I say but “Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Psalm 103:1-5